R&D Overview
※Personnel, etc. : as of the end of 2023
Other numbers in 2023
Number of researchers
Average age
Gender Ratio
Number of patents
Ratio of research and development expenses
Number of new product
Number of Development Themes and Projects
Number of joint research institutions
Joint research institutions
Fukui Prefectural University
Fukui University
Hokkaido University Hospital
Industrial Technology Center of Fukui Prefecture
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Kanazawa University
Kansai University
Kazusa DNA Research Institute
Nagoya Institute of Technology
Nagoya University
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Ochanomizu University
Saitama University
Shinshu University
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Toyama Prefectural University
*Past 5 years results (alphabetical)
R&D bases
NICCA Chemical will continue to create innovation with our global R&D network, which is expanding both domestically and internationally.